Coronavirus, Examined
We live in a world that is facing one of its biggest challenges in living memory. The coronavirus pandemic has devastating potential as it sweeps across the globe. To fight this virus and slow its spread, we've had to change almost everything about how we live our lives. In Coronavirus, Examined we're talking to experts from The University of Sheffield to explore the different ways in which coronavirus is changing our world and the way we live.
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
In this episode of Coronavirus, Examined, we talk to Dr Fuschia Sirois about the psychology of working from home and how our productivity can be impacted.
Coronavirus, Examined is a podcast from the University of Sheffield.
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
In this episode of Coronavirus, Examined, we talk to Professor Matthew Flinders about crisis fatigue and the problems with lock down guidance.
Coronavirus, Examined is a podcast from the University of Sheffield.